What are some hacks that everyone should know?

What are some hacks that everyone should know?

What are some hacks that everyone should know?

One of the most searched topics on the internet is what are some hacks that everyone should know?
1. So here are few life hacks that can help you to ease the way you live the life.
So, you’ve to buy jeans and you're in no mood to visit trial room. No problem!
Take it.
daily life hacks

Try wrapping it around your neck.

2.  When shopping online, always read the 1-star reviews first. It will 

give you an idea about the website and the product you are going to 

buy. sometimes the 5-star or 4-star reviews can be paid reviews.

Image result for 1 star review

3. If you have problems power napping for the right amount of time, hold something in your hand. When it falls, it's time to wake up.

4.   Pour your Coffee/Tea from a height of several inches (or more). It will introduce more oxygen into solution and tangibly improve the taste.

Image result for Pour your Coffee/Tea

5.     If you need to take your vehicle to a garage, clean your car first. They will treat your car better.

6.   Before booking a vacation online, call the booking agency directly and ask any question. They will likely give you a discount for calling.

7.  When parking at a large store, don’t prioritize a spot close to the entrance. Prioritize a spot close to a cart return, that’s what you will care about when you’re leaving.

8.   Got bored from one of your favorite songs? Try listening to a cover version. There's enough difference to feel refreshing while still being faithful to the original.

9. If you think someone is lying about their age, ask them what year they are born in. If they are lying, they'll have to do the math, but if they're telling the truth, they'll know it instantly.

10.  While having dinner at someone’s house, intentionally take smaller portions than you normally would. If you don’t like the meal you’ll be glad you don’t have too much, and if you do like it you can flatter the host by asking for more.

healthy food, small portion food

11.     If you suspect you've been given a wrong number, read it back to them incorrectly. If they correct it chances are you were given the correct number in the first place

12.  Before/While watching a TV show or movie try not to look at reviews.

13.  If you are excited about a movie, don’t watch the trailer

14.  If something cost 100 and it’s on sale for 75, and you decide to buy it, you did not save 25. You spent 75!

15. If you're opening a box with a large, heavy item such as a TV, get it out by opening the bottom, setting it down, and simply lifting up the box.

Hope You Enjoyed Reading the post. :) 

Image Source:-  Google Images 

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